Make the Best Sugar Shack Feast

Sugar shack

You probably heard of sugar shacking, this mysterious springtime activity Canadians from Eastern provinces partake in every year. If you ever wondered what a Cabane à Sucre (sugar shack) is all about, what really happens at these festive gatherings, and how to experience it DIY, read on.

The romance and nostalgia of sugar shacks is unmistakable. Traditional feasts, wood fires, maple taffy on fresh snow, sleigh rides, and energetic folk music are woven into the fabric of a northeastern Canadian springtime.When the sugary sap begins to flow during le temps des sucres, friends and families head to their local sugar shack for a day of family-friendly activities and a feast of maple-soaked delicacies designed for sharing at long communal tables.

Did you know?

Cabane à sucre (sugar shack) is a small building built in a maple grove where maple products like maple syrup, maple butter and maple taffy are prepared.

Maple Taffy

Making your own maple taffy is super easy, fun and DELICIOUS!

What do I need?

  • maple syrup (about 1/2 cup for 4 people)
  • candy thermometer
  • metal spoon
  • pot
  • popscicle sticks
  • snow 


  1. Place the maple syrup in a pot on medium heat. Stirting constently with a metal spoon, bring to 238F.
  2. As soon as the maple syrup reaches 238F, remove from the heat – the syrup will be bubbly. 
  3. Spoon the hot syrup in lines on the snow. Using a popscicle stick, turn the taffy on the stick.

An Indigenous tradition lives on

Settlers observed Indigenous making maple sugar every spring that would be used to get them through the tough winter months. The sugar was then broken down into slices or shaved directly over dishes.

The sugar shacks and maple syrup are of great importance in the cultural identity of Canadiams, it is to the Indigenous

An Iroquois legend describes the piercing of maple bark and the use of its sweet sap to cook game, which is said to be at the origin of the culinary tradition of cooking with maple. Maple syrup is so central to traditions,  the Ojibway also call the sugar season “maple moon” or “sugar month”, since it lasts 4 to 6 weeks, from March to April.

In the 17th century, the French, who began to have permanent installations in North America, in turn began to collect maple water. 

The romance and nostalgia of sugar shacks is unmistakable. Traditional feasts, wood fires, maple taffy on fresh snow, sleigh rides, and energetic folk music are woven into the fabric of a northeastern Canadian springtime.When the sugary sap begins to flow during le temps des sucres, friends and families head to their local sugar shack for a day of family-friendly activities and a feast of maple-soaked delicacies designed for sharing at long communal tables.

Bring the cabane à sucre home

Come on a journey with us as we bring the cabane à sucre home with rich, indulgent sugar shack feast recipes.

Did you know?

Canada accounts for 72% of the globe’s maple syrup output. Québec produces 91% of Canadian maple syrup.

The traditional cabane à sucre meal includes pea soup, thick-cut ham, sausage links, bacon, omelet, fried pork rinds called “oreilles de crisse,” roasted potatoes, pickles, pickled beets, baked beans, fresh-baked bread and, most importantly, lots of maple syrup. 

Maple syrup is central to sugar shack meals. It’s basically the law: Everything — we mean everything — on the table must be doused in sweet sticky maple syrup. That includes all the savoury items! Every dish either contains or is bathed in maple syrup: thick-cut ham, baked beans, sausages links, omelet, pancakes… Savoury dishes like: Pea soup and bacon rinds (colourfully known as oreilles de crisses) balance out this sweet extravagance. To cover your bases, you should probably stock up on a few bottles of maple syrup. Dessert is the pièce de résistance of this feast. Traditional desserts include maple sugar pie, pouding chômeur “poor man’s pudding” — a Depression-era sweet treat served warm and topped with vanilla ice cream. At the end of the meal, you always have a little room for maple taffy, poured warm on fresh snow.

Let’s break down the 3 main categories of food required for a truly traditional sugar shack meal.

Breakfast foods

Sugar shacks feature plates upon plates of everyone’s favourite breakfast foods.

Serve your guests the classics: 

Don’t forget to keep your guests happy with warm coffee and juices.

Salty foods

What goes better with sweet than salty? Nothing, that’s what! Supplement your breakfast spread with a few salty dishes. The traditional savoury dishes include:

The star of the show: Dessert

Sugar shack begins and ends with maple. Classic sugar shack desserts include:

La crème de la crème of any sugar shack experience is none-other than maple taffy “tire d’érable”. Kids and adults go crazy for the sticky, chilled delight that is maple taffy. No worries, it’s a lot easier to make than it looks!

What to do other than eating?

Other than eating, what creates a traditional sugar shack experience? That answer is simple… music! Nothing brings us to the romantic world of traditional shacks like folklore Quebec music. We created a spotify playlist to share with you the joyful soul of the Cabane à sucre tradition.

In Québec, many sugar shacks offer horse sleigh rides to visit the property, walk or hike in the woods, traditional music and dancing, petting zoos and snowshoeing. 

When we host our sugar shack meals we love to go for a walk around Wascana lake and dancing to traditional music.

Did you know?

Canada produced 13.2 million gallons of maple syrup in 2019 which contributes $750 million to Canada’s GDP

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6 unexpected reasons you should eat breakfast

Breakfast is the meal most often skipped by Canadians. In a cross Canada study, the most common reason to skip it is the lack of time. 

Many under-estimate the value of a balanced breakfast. With the rapid rythm of life and the growing popularity of intermittent fasting, breakfast is often not given the attention it deserves or is completely skipped.

Most health professionals agree: Breakfast is foundational to a healthy lifestyle. 

Whole grains, protein, fruits and vegetables, and good fats are all components of a balanced breakfast. No one should face the day without a good balanced breakfast! Here are six reasons to fully enjoy breakfast every morning.

Breakfast is an easy meal that can be prepared and eaten in a few minutes and provide many hours of productivity.

6 unexpected reasons you should eat breakfast
1. Support brain health

Carbohydrates are essential for healthy brain functioning. A number of studies show kids who eat breakfast tend to have improved cognitive skills and perform better at school. Eating a balanced high-fiber breakfast, promotes memory and concentration levels, as well as improve mood and lower stress. Who doesn’t want that? There is no better time than breakfast time to replenish our carbohydrates. High-fiber carbohydrates are found in oats, whole grain bread and fruits.   

2. Support Healthy Weight

Sometimes we may be tempted to skip breakfast to avoid extra calories. Skipping breakfast to lose a few pounds is a bad idea. Eating breakfast tells our body that we are not in starvation mode and will eat again during the day. Breakfast gets our metabolism started and helps us burn more calories throughout the day.

Studies have shown that eating a high-fiber, nutrient-sense breakfast greatly decreases hunger and cravings throughout the day.There is a correlation between skipping breakfast and having difficulty maintaining a healthy weight Studies even show this correlation with children. Children who skip breakfast tend to have a higher body Mass Index (BMI) and are up to 200% more likely to be overweight than children who eat breakfast regularly.  Eating three balanced meals a day contributes to maintaining a healthy weight.  

3. Family time

We often discuss the importance of eating dinner as a family. Breakfast is also a wonderful opportunity to connect as a family around the table. Are you ready for your volley ball game? What are you excited for today? We can enjoy the early morning hours to connect and spend quality time with our family.  

Are you thinking you won’t have time? No excuses! Let’s set the alarm a few minutes early and create beautiful memories with our loved ones. 

4. Skip that 2 pm feeling

Skipping breakfast has significant impact on the quality of our day. Are you familiar with that 2 pm feeling? There a good chance you can notice a correlation between skipping or eating an unbalanced breakfast and the 2 pm feeling. 

Balanced breakfast are filled with fibers which contribute to stabilize blood sugar. Sugar drops cause a number of symptoms: difficulty concentrating, head aches, sugar cravings, and low patience.  Test it out! Tomorrow morning, treat yourself to a balanced breakfast and see how you feel throughout the day. 

5. Reduce snacking

The 2pm feeling is often associated with cravings. The lack of nutrient provided by a balanced breakfast always catches up with us.  By skipping breakfast, it is highly likely that you will have cravings for chips or cake during the afternoon or evening.

To prevent these cravings, ensure to have a balanced breakfast high in fiber and proteins. When you have a hectic morning, plan a super quick breakfast you can eat on your way to work or at your desk. An example of super quick breakfast is overnight oats. You make them a few days ahead to just grab it and go in the morning. You will find a FREE breakfast recipe pdf at the bottom of this blog which includes a number of overnight oat recipes. 

6. Develop healthy habits

Most health professional recommend to eat more fruits and vegetables. Breakfast is a good opportunity to add fruits and vegetables to our diet and to support a healthy life style.

When we have time to treat ourselves with a nice breakfast we can spend time with our loved ones preparing a more elaborated breakfast filled with vegetables and fruits. Some examples include: Omelettes, frittatas, blueberry pancakes, and breakfast burritos. 

FREE breakfast recipe book

Are you sick and tired of the 2pm feeling?

Do you want to optimize your productivity throughout the day?

We got your back! Here are super easy and quick breakfasts that can be assembled a few days ahead. These breakfasts are so easy and delicious you won’t even want to skip breakfast again. Download this FREE pdf to learn how easy your next breakfast can be. 

Happy breakfast!

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10 questions que l’on se demande avant de cuisiner

Qu’est-ce qu’on mange pour souper ?

Cette question familière peut vous procurer un sentiment d’exaspération car elle nous oblige à nous creuser la tête.  En effet, l’effort requis pour préparer un repas à la maison est souvent sous-estimé.

Nous connaissons ce sentiment de dépassement qui accompagne la planification des repas.  Après une journée de travail, le poids de la préparation de repas nourrissants est de plus lourd à porter.  Nous avons donc cherché une solution qui nous permettrait d’avoir accès à des produits santé et locaux. Cependant, nous avons rapidement réalisé que cette option n’était pas disponible.  C’est pour cette raison que nous avons créé ZestyKits.

Pourquoi la préparation des repas exige autant de temps ?

L’examen du travail de planification qui est requis pour cuisiner un repas nous aide à avoir une meilleure compréhension et une appréciation du travail requis pour servir un repas cuisiné à la maison.

Cette liste présente les 10 questions que l’on se demande régulièrement lorsque nous cuisinons et nous aide à comprendre comment la charge de travail reliée à la réflexion est sous-estimée.

La lecture de cette liste vous permet de réaliser…. La tâche à accomplir est beaucoup plus que cuisiner.

10 questions que l’on se demande avant de cuisiner

Nous pensons souvent que cuisiner se résume à couper des aliments et à les mélanger ensemble.  Or, cuisiner requière des efforts additionnels qui sont souvent ignorés.

Cette liste a pour but de vous aider à devenir conscient des nombreuses questions que l’on se pose avant de cuisiner et vous permet d’avoir une image visuelle de la raison pour laquelle l’on peut se sentir dépassé par l’idée de mettre des plats sur la table.

Qui mange ?
  1. Comment ont-ils faim ?
  2. Qu’est-ce qu’ils ont envie de manger ?
  3. Est-ce qu’il y a des allergies ou des intolérances alimentaires ?
Les ingrédients

4. Qu’est-ce qu’il y a dans le réfrigérateur ?  Quelle quantité ai-je besoin ?
Quels ingrédients sont sur le point d’être périmés ?
6. Quelles recettes puis-je faire avec les ingrédients que je possède ?
7. Est-ce que je veux avoir des restants ? Si oui, combien de portions ai-je besoin ?
8. Qu’est-ce que j’ai besoin d’acheter ?

Le coût

9. Combien d’argent je désire dépenser ?

Le temps

10. Combien de temps j’ai dans mon horaire pour acheter, cuisiner et nettoyer ?

La vie peut être compliqué mais le souper n’a pas besoin de l’être.

N’est-ce pas incroyable le nombre de questions que nous pouvons nous demander quotidiennement avant même de commencer à cuisiner ?  Ne soyez donc pas étonné de ressentir ce sentiment de découragement lorsque vous entendez la question « Qu’est-ce qu’on mange pour souper ? ».  Ne vous étonnez donc pas d’être tenté par la suite de vouloir commander des repas cuisinés plus souvent.

Nous sommes ici pour vous faire savoir qu’il y a une autre option disponible.  ZestyKits vous enlève un poids sur les épaules et vous aide à alléger votre charge mentale.  Consulter nos plans de repas à base de plantes qui sont non seulement délicieux mais aussi facile à exécuter.

La vie peut être compliqué mais le souper n’a pas besoin de l’être.

Laissez-nous vous simplifier la vie !

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7 façons de réduire facilement les coûts reliés à la nourriture

L’augmentation du prix de la nourriture en 2020

Le rapport annuel sur les prix alimentaires Canadiens énonce les prévisions suivantes en 2020:

previsions du prix des aliments en 2020
7 façons de réduire facilement les coûts reliés à la nourriture
1. Allez moins souvent au restaurant

La nourriture cuisinée dans les restaurants contient habituellement plus de calories tel que, plus de gras, de sel, d’additifs et un manque de fibre et de vitamines.  Si ces arguments ne sont pas suffisants pour vous convaincre de cuisiner plus souvent à la maison, le coût des repas dans les restaurants est de plus en plus dispendieux.  En effet, le prix des menus au Canada a augmenté de 4.2 % l’année dernière et une autre augmentation de 4 % est prévue en 2020.  Les dépenses reliées aux restaurants ont augmenté de plus de 670 $ par ménages entre 2010 et 2017.

Les plans de repas de ZestyKits vous permettent de cuisinez plus facilement à la maison ce qui vous permet de réduire le coût de votre nourriture.

2. Mangez plus de repas à base de plantes

Il est prévu que le prix de la viande augmente jusqu’à 6% en 2020.  Les Canadiens dépenseraient près de 20 % de leur budget sur la viande rouge et le poulet.  Apprendre à préparer des délicieux repas à base de plantes vous permettra de réduire de façon significative le prix de vos aliments.

Une recette à base de plantes peut avoir autant de protéines qu’un repas à base de viande et peut être très nourrissant.  Les recettes à base de grains entier et de légumineuses vous feront oublier l’absence de viande et vous donnera une impression de satiété pendant des heures.  Voici deux exemples de nos recettes favorites à base de plantes :

  • Pâte ratatouille : Pois chiches grillés dans une riche sauce tomate, aubergine et piment rouge grillés au four accompagnés d’olives noires et de basilic frais.
  • Bols mexicains : Fèves noires, avocat en dés, laitue romaine, tomate en dés, salsa, riz brun et fromage râpé avec du cilantro frais.

ZestyKits offre l’option Clean Food qui comprends 1 repas à base de plantes afin de vous aider à découvrir des nouvelles recettes.  Si vous êtes prêt à manger un régime alimentaire complètement à base de plantes, nous offrons aussi le menu Plant-Based et un plan Vegan.

3. Faites un plan de repas
Planifier ses repas peut avoir un impact significatif sur le coût total de votre épicerie. Se promener entre les allées peut favoriser de la frustration et un choix de nourriture qui laisse à désirer. Sans un plan, il est très facile d’acheter trop de nourriture ce qui a pour effet de favoriser le gaspillage alimentaire.
4. Mangez des repas fait maison plus souvent

Cuisinez plus de plats maison. Le Guide alimentaire canadien (2018) recommande de cuisiner plus pour améliorer la santé. Ainsi, non seulement cuisiner vous permet d’avoir une meilleure santé, cela vous permet aussi épargner beaucoup d’argent. Il est vrai que cuisiner à la maison exige plus de temps et d’effort mais cela vaut la peine, pour votre porte-monnaie et votre tour de taille.

Le menu hebdomadaire de ZestyKits vous permet de sauver du temps pendant vos journées de travail très occupées et vous permet en même temps d’économiser.

5. Mangez les fruits et les légumes de la saison
Les fruits et les légumes occupent presque 24 % de la moyenne des listes d’épicerie des ménages canadiens. Afin de promouvoir la santé, il est recommandé de manger plus de légumes.

Le secret pour manger plus de fruits et de légumes et de réduire en même temps le coût des aliments est d’acheter les fruits et les légumes selon les saisons. Achetez des grandes quantités de fruits et de légumes des producteurs locaux selon les saisons et congelez les portions non utilisées afin de les consommer plus tard.

Durant la période de l’hiver, le coût des produits frais augmente de façon significative. Afin de réduire votre facture d’épicerie, il est recommandé d’acheter plus de produits congelés. Ces derniers ont une valeur nutritionnel similaire aux produits frais et sont plus abordables.

ZestyKits offre une variété de produits de saisonnier. Nous achetons les ingrédients qui sont cultivés ou produits ici… dans les prairies canadiennes !
6. Diminuez le gaspillage alimentaire

Pour réduire le gaspillage alimentaire et votre empreinte carbone, il est recommandé d’acheter seulement ce que vous avez besoin.  Réduire le gaspillage alimentaire est plus facile lorsque vous faites un plan de repas et que vous utilisez les repas proposés par ZestyKits.

7. Ne faites pas l’épicerie quand vous avez faim

La faim favorise le désir d’obtenir quelque chose.  Les recherches démontrent que faire l’épicerie lorsque vous avez faim a pour effet d’augmenter vos dépenses de 64 %. Afin de réduire les risques de trop dépenser, il est recommandé de manger une collation avant de magasiner afin de stabiliser votre taux de sucre.

Les trois recettes hebdomadaires offertes par ZestyKits vous permettent de prévenir des achats de dernières minutes.  Vous êtes donc gagnant à la fois de votre temps et de votre argent.

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7 Easy Ways to Reduce Food Expenses

Food Price Spike in 2020

Canada’s Food Price Report  predicts food price spike in 2020!

7 Easy Ways to Reduce your Food Costs
1. Less restaurants

Restaurant food often comes with extra calories, too much fat, salt, aditives as well as a deficience in fiber and vitamins. As if that wasn’t enough to encourage you to cook more at home, eating out is very expensive and is becoming more expensive.  Menu prices in Canada rose 4.2% last year and are anticipated to increase up to 4% in 2020! Spending at restaurants has increased by more than $670 per household between 2010 and 2017.

ZestyKits meal plans make it easy and convenient to cook at home as well as reduce your overall food cost.

2. Eat more plant based meals

The cost of meat products are anticipated to increase by up to 6% in 2020! Canadians spend nearly 20% of our food budget on red meat and chicken. Learning to prepare delicious plant based meals will significantly reduce your food costs.

A good plant based recipe has as much protein as a meal with meat and is filling! You won’t miss the meat and with delicious whole grains and legumes, you will feel full for hours. Some of our favourite plant-based meals include:

  • Ratatouille pasta: Chickpea pasta tossed in a rich tomato sauce and oven roasted eggplant, red bell peppers, black olives and fresh basil
  • Mexi bowls: Black beans, diced avocado, romaine lettuce, diced tomatoes, salsa, brown rice and shredded cheddar topped with fresh cilantro.

ZestyKits offers a Clean Food plan which includes 1 meal plant based to help you discover new delicious plant based recipe. If you are ready to eat fully plant-based we also offer a Plant-Based and Vegan plan.

3. Make a meal plan

Making a plan is very important when it comes to managing grocery costs. Going around the grocery aisles aimelessly often results in frustration and poor food choices. Without a plan, it is common to buy too much food that will end up rotting in your fridge.

We love to plan our weekly menu using ZestyKits’ weekly menu. We plan to prepare ZestyKits meal kits during our busiest days.

4. Eat home-made meals more often

Make more meals from scratch. Canada’s 2018 Dietary Guidelines recommend cooking more to support health. Not only does cooking provide a number of health benefits, it saves you a lot of money! Cooking from scratch requires a bit more time and the effort can be well woth it, both for your wallet and your waisline.

ZestyKits meal plans make it easy and convenient to cook at home and involve the kids in meal preparation, empowering you to easily make dinner time family time. 

5. Eat seasonal fruits & vegetables

Fruit and vegetables take up almost 24% of the average Canadian’s grocery list. To promote health, it is recommended to eat more vegetables. 

The secret to eating more vegetables and still manage cost is to buy more fruits and vegetables that are in season. Load up on local fruits and vegetables when they are in season and freeze them for later use. 

During the winter, fresh produces increase significantly in price. To reduce your grocery bill, load up on frozen produces, which have similar nutritional value and are alot more affordable. 

Not only does ZestyKits offer tons of seasonal products, we purchase ingredients grown or prepared right here… in the Canadian Prairies!

6. Reduce food waste

Purchase only what you need to decrease your food waste as well as your carbon footprint. Reducing food waste is easy when planning meals and using a locally sourced meal kit service like ZestyKits. 

7. Don't shop hungry

Hunger creates a desire to aquire. Research shows that shopping hungry results in spending increase of 64%. Shopping hungry increases spending even when not shopping for food. To reduce your risk of over spending, have a snack before shopping to stabilize your blood sugar.

Having 3 delicious ZestyKits meals delivered every week prevents last minute hungry grocery run – saving you time and money.

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Let’s celebrate mothers

Top 5 wine pairings

Nothing brings people together like good food & wine

We believe that every part food should be appreciated. From cutting vegetables to sitting down and eating, every part makes the experience of living more special. Our senses are a gift, let’s enjoy the aromas, the sounds of vegetables cooking. Wines helps add a little more love in every dish you create. Because every meal is an opportunity to fall in love.

Now for the fun part... Wine picking

Each ZestyKits wine are hand picked based on these principles:

⦁ Availability: Available at most SLGA
⦁ Affordability: priced under $25 at the SLGA
⦁ Flavour profile: Flavour of wine goes well with the dish
⦁ Support local: Include Canadian and Saskatchewan wine

5 characteristics of wine

Wine is defined by 5 characteristic: sweetness, acidity, tannin, alcohol, and body


A wine is sweet when there is more sugar in the grapes than needed for alcohol to ferment. This is called residual sugar. Wine sweetness is measured in a range of bone-dry, the unsweet wine, to very sweet, the sweetest wine you’ll ever have.

Sweetness of wine is also affected by the level of acidity. When wine is less acid, it taste sweeter. The dryer a wine is, the less calories it has.


The acidity of wine comes from the grapes and gives it the sour flavor. Grapes loses their acidity as they ripen, and therefore wine that is made in a cooler climate has higher acidity.


Tannin is found in the skin of the grapes and in the new wooden barrels. It is only found in red wine because the skin is removed for white wines. Tannin is the texture of the wine. You’ll recognise a wine with high tannin by the dry and pucker sensation it leaves on your tongue. High tannin wines are great to serve with food because it is palate cleansers to rich, fatty meats; cheeses; and pasta dishes.


Wine is made when the yeast converts the sugar of grapes into ethanol. Alcohol plays an important role in the transfer of the wines aroma. You can measure the alcohol in wine in a reach from low, less than 10% alcohol, to high, over 15% alcohol.


The body of wine is shaped by the sweetness, acidity, tannin & alcohol level. When you talk about the body, you are talking about how bold or light the wine is.
A wine is lighter when it is more acid, low alcohol, less tannin and less sweet. A wine that is bold will have less acidity, higher alcohol, more tannin and is sweeter.

ZestyKits Top 5 Wines

1. Living Sky Winery Rhubarb

Wine description

Wine flavour: Fruit Wine



Herbs & Spices

Fruits & Vegetables



2. Pelee Island Gewurztraminer

Wine description

Wine flavour: Aromatic White

Aromatic white wines include these varieties

  • Chenin blanc
  • Gewurztraminer
  • Muscat blanc
  • Riesling
  • Torrontes

Aromatic white wines have highly perfumed and sweet-fruit aromas but can range from dry to sweet in taste. They are ideal pairing with Asian and Indian cuisine because they match so well with sweet-and-sour flavors and quench spicy sauces.

This wine pairs well with: spicy cuisines, Indian, Thai, Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine.



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Fruits & Vegetables



3. Cono Sur Bicicleta Pinot Noir Rose

Wine description

Wine flavour: Rose

Rosé wine is produced when red grape skins macerate in their juices for period of time. Rosé is produced in every major country and is made of nearly every grape variety, both red and white. Rosé wines range in taste from dry to sweet.


Herbs & Spices

Fruits & Vegetables



4. Heritage Road Bloodstone Shiraz

Heritage Road Bloodstone Shiraz is a Saskatchewan favourite wine. Read more about it here.

Wine description

Wine flavour: Full-bodied red

Full-bodied red wines include these varieties

  • Aglianico
  • Bordeaux blend
  • Cabernet sauvignon
  • Malbec
  • Mourvedre
  • Nebbiolo
  • Negro d’avola
  • Petit verdot
  • Petite sirah
  • Pinotage
  • Syrah
  • Tempranillo
  • Touriga nacional

Full-bodied red wines typically have high tannin, opaque ruby color from high anthocyanin content, and rich fruit flavors. Wines that are bold such as these can be enjoyed on their own or with equally bold-flavored foods.

This wine pairs well with: South american, Eastern European, German and Mexican cuisine.


Herbs & Spices

Fruits & Vegetables



5. Buried Hope Cabernet Sauvignon

Wine description

Wine flavour: Full-bodied red

Full-bodied red wines include these varieties

  • Aglianico
  • Bordeaux blend
  • Cabernet sauvignon
  • Malbec
  • Mourvedre
  • Nebbiolo
  • Negro d’avola
  • Petit verdot
  • Petite sirah
  • Pinotage
  • Syrah
  • Tempranillo
  • Touriga nacional

Full-bodied red wines typically have high tannin, opaque ruby color from high anthocyanin content, and rich fruit flavors. Wines that are bold such as these can be enjoyed on their own or with equally bold-flavored foods.


Herbs & Spices

Fruits & Vegetables



When is composting better than recycling?

As a society, we are becoming more aware of our environmental foot print and are spending more energy on improving  waste management. When thinking of waste management a few method come to mind including: reusing, composting, upcycling and recycling. Many items that use to find their way in landfill can now avoid it. Some of these items include: vegetable peels,  batteries and bottles. This contributes to reducing garbage pollution. 

Paper is a significant portion of waste and it can be composted or recycled.   Paper is responsible for 16% of landfill waste. Recycling or composting are both an improvement on throwing paper away.  It is better to compost or recycle paper? 

First let’s define both processes. 


Composting helps put organic waste to an alternative use. Items that are usually composted include grass cuttings, shredded leaves, fruit and coffee grounds. These products are combined in specific proportion with water and air to start the  decomposition process. The compost that is formed is helpful in growing plants. 


Recycling is the manufacturing of products that could of been discarded in a landfill. Items are recycled by being converted into items that can be used again. 

Recycling and compositing each have pros and cons. Let’s examine each method to identify which is better overall.

  • bring paper material back in the production stream which reduces the need for new trees
  • recycling reduces the need to produce new paper. One piece of A4 paper requires on average 5 liters water to produce
  • recycling 1 ton of paper saves around 682.5 gallons of oil, 26,500 liters of water and 17 trees
  • recycling uses resources but less than to produce new paper
  • the process of recycling paper produces a lot of waste.  
  • harmful chemicals are used in the recycling process
  • the recycling process pollutes water
  • encourage consumption of paper. Recycled paper may wrongfully appear to have minimal impacts on the environment.
  • composting instead of recycling paper could completely eliminate the resources needed to break it down and manufacture it back into fresh paper.
  • no recycling bins, no trucks to carry it to the recycling plant, no machinery or sludge or chemical processing agents.  Just paper breaking down into its component parts and then fertilizing your garden next year, helping your tomatoes grow.
  • composting paper removes it from the paper production stream
  • on a large scale, composting paper rather than recycling it, may cause more harm than good.
Soiled paper

When paper is soiled in any way it cannot be recycled.  Examples of soiled paper include art project and pizza box. Including soiled paper may impact an entire batch of recycled paper. It is recommended to tear soiled paper in small pieces and to add it to compost pile.  

Tips to easily follow the Canada Food Guide 3 Guidelines

The Canadian food guide outlines 3 guidelines. 

– Guideline 1: Foundation for healthy eating
– Guideline 2: Foods and beverages that undermine healthy eating
– Guideline 3: Importance of food skills

We will go over these guidelines and provide some tips to implement these guidelines in daily life.

Guideline 1: Foundation for healthy eating

Nutritious foods are the foundation for healthy eating. Nutritious foods includes, but is not limited to:

– Vegetables
– Fruits
– Whole grains
– Protein foods

Plant-based protein

Plant-based protein positively contributes to health and the environment. The guide recommends consuming plant-based protein more often. Plant-based protein includes: legumes, nuts, seeds, tofu. Other recommended source of protein include: fish, shellfish, eggs, poultry, lean red meat including wild game, lower fat milk, lower fat yogurts, lower fat kefir, and cheeses lower in fat and sodium. Plant-based protein have significant positive impact on health and on the environment. Research suggests that plant-based foods, which in rich in fiber, decrease cardiovascular disease risk, colon cancer and type 2 diabetes.

Tip: When using plant-based protein, meals can be planned around flavour profiles rather than protein. For example, Greek flavours include: lemon, black olives, oregano, tomatoes and cucumber. An easy plant-based Greek dish could be a quinoa bowl with Greek spice marinated chickpeas, spinach, lemon juice, tomatoes, cucumbers and black olives. 

Limit saturated fats & increase unsaturated fats

Limit saturated fats and increase unsaturated fats. Saturated fats should be limited and should be replaced by unsaturated fat foods. Examples of foods high in saturated fat includes fatty red meat, processed meats, fired foods and high fat cheeses. Saturated fats are usually present in meat while unsaturated fats are usually present in vegetarian foods. Examples of food high in unsaturated fat “good fats” includes: avocado, nuts, olives and fish. Research suggests unsaturated fats have a positive effect on overall heath as they lower risk of vascular disease, heart disease, and stroke.

Tip: To easily reduce saturated fats from dishes try reducing or eliminating cheese from dishes and replacing it with nuts or avocado. For example, you can replace the cheese in a sandwich or a burger by avocado.

Water is foundational to life

The human body is 75% water! Water is recommended as the beverage of choice. Water supports health and promote hydration without adding calories. Dinking adequate amounts of water is essential for metabolic and digestive processes. Impacts of dehydration are vast and include: constipation, weight gain, high cholesterol, fatigue, head ache, and high blood pressure. Drink up!  It can be difficult to drink enough water throughout the day. 

Tip: to increase your water intake try adding flavours to your water (e.g. cucumber slices, lemon or lime wedges), carrying a water bottle with you throughout the day and having a cool glass of water as soon as you wake up.

Healthy eating is more than food!

Food is an integral part of all social interactions, celebrations, cultures and family tradition. To make healthy eating a lifestyle, it is essential to enjoy your food. Nutritious foods should reflect your taste and preferences as well as your food traditions. Eating together reinforces these positive eating habits and supports a healthy relationship with food. Cooking and eating together is a fun way to connect with friends, family and to foster connections between generations and cultures. 

Tip: Organizing potlucks with friends and family or baking night with kids are fun and easy ways to spend quality time together and sustain a healthy relationship with food.

Guideline 2: Foods and beverages that undermine healthy eating

Processed foods and beverages are likely to negatively impact health as they often result in excess sodium, free sugars and/or saturated fat. It is important to understand that it is the way we eat the majority of the time that has the most impact on our health.

Free sugars

Free sugars are defined as being added to foods and beverages and do not include the naturally occurring sources of sugars found in intact or cut fruits and vegetables. Free sugars are found in a variety of products such as: sugary drinks, condiments, sugary breakfast cereals, confectioneries and other processed foods. The Canadian foods guide recommends consuming less than 10% of total energy intake from free sugars.

High sodium

High sodium intake is associated with higher blood pressure which is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. High amount of sodium is often found in cheeses, processed meats, dips and condiments. The Canadian foods guide recommends consuming less than 2300 mg of sodium per day.

Saturated fats

Lowering intakes of foods that contain mostly saturated fat, by replacing with foods that contain mostly unsaturated fat, helps lower cardiovascular risk factors.

Saturated fats are found in animal-based foods such as cream, butter, cheeses, and fatty meats as well as some vegetable oils. The Canadian foods guide recommends consuming less than 10% of total energy intake from saturated fats.

Tip: Cooking at home using whole ingredients is a way to reduce intake of free sugars, sodium and saturated fats. You can reduce free sugar, sodium and saturated fats by using fresh herbs, garlic, lemon and lime zest, non-sodium added spice blends and essential oils. For example, instead of frying fish with batter and fries you can garnish fish with lemon zest and garlic, serve with fresh dill, oven roasted potatoes and steamed broccoli.

Guideline 3: Importance of food skills

Highly processed foods have become the easy choice in our food environment.  Food skills are essential to navigate the food environment and support healthy eating.  Food skills include the ability and knowledge to understand food labels, the ability to assess ripeness of vegetables and fruits, skills to plan meals within budget as well as technical skills to prepare meals. 

Food skills can be taught, learned and shared. At ZestyKits we believe food skills are fundamental to a healthy lifestyle. Our meal kits provide pre-measured fresh ingredients, recipes with illustrated instructions and ripe vegetables and fruits. As such, ZestyKits meal kits are a teaching tool, prevent food waste and are a time saver. 

New Canada Food Guide

A new version of the Canada Food Guide was released in January 2019. This new version of the Food Guide is a significant change from the previous Food Guide. The new Canadian food guide encourages Canadians to eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains foods, to chose protein that comes from plant more often, to cook more and to limit processed foods. Rather than recommending portions of the different food groups, this guide focuses on three food categories: 

  1. vegetables & fruits
  2. protein foods
  3. Whole grain

Changing one’s eating habits can be a serious challenge; ZestyKits simplifies cooking at home by planning weekly meals and providing pre-portioned ingredients and hand-made sauces to prepare delicious healthy meals. The new food guide encourages Canadians to increase their food skills and food literacy.

An example of a delicious and easy recipes that follows the recommendations of the Canadian Food Guide is the Green Curry Coconut Bowl.  Find the recipe (including the sauce and spice blend) here! 🙂

Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat

Healthy eating is more than the foods you eat. It is also about where, when, why and how you eat.

Be mindful of your eating habits

Benefits of being mindful of eating habits is being aware of a variety of aspects of your eating habits. These include but are not limited to:
– how much you eat
– why you eat
– what you eat

Being aware of your eating habits provides a number of benefits including:
– make healthier choices
– notice when you are hungry and full
– create a sense of awareness around your every day eating decisions

How to be mindful of your eating habits

Create a healthy eating environment by trying to eat in an environment that makes it easy to make healthy choices 

Use your senses. Eating uses all your senses. Try to pay attention to the smell, textures and flavours of your food.

Consider your eating habits by asking yourself questions about what you ate. Some questions may include:
– How fast you ate?
– Did you pay attention to what you ate?
– Did you eat with others?
– Where you bored?
– How much did you eat?

Cook more often

There are multiples benefits of cooking.  These benefits include but are not limited to:
– eating less processed foods
– lean cooking skills
– opportunity to be creative
– control salt and fat
– choose healthy ingredient

How to cook more often

You can make cooking faster and easier with the following tips:
– You can cook a larger batch so you cook once and have leftovers. You can also make large batch recipes likes: stew, soup, chili, casseroles, lasagna,… 
– You can cook extra rice or quinoa to use in other dishes later that week. 
– Reinvent your leftovers into new recipes. For example: Chili can become burritos or spaghetti.
– Use time saving tools like slow cookers and pressure cooker.
– Keep healthy ingredients handy by having a ready to cook grains in the pantry, canned beans, frozen pre-portioned fish, frozen vegetables, spices as well as a variety of fruits and vegetables.
–  Try healthy and low fat cooking methods like: baking, boiling, steaming, and grilling.

Enjoy your food

There are many benefits of enjoying your food which includes being open to trying new flavours and developing a healthy relationship with food. Knowing that you are making healthy choices and supporting your healthy lifestyle can help you enjoy your food even more. 

How to enjoy food

You can enjoying your food in numerous ways including:
– Spending quality time with loved ones at mealtime.
– Shopping in new specialty stores to find new foods and flavours.
– Cooking new recipes.
– Growing your own food.
– Getting to know your farmers and producers.
– choose foods that you like, that fits in your budget, lifestyle and that reflects your culture and beliefs.
– Try new foods to find a sense of wonder and even adventure.
– Take care to create a nice environment to eat. This can include eating with other,listening to music and setting the table nicely.

Eat meals with others

Enjoying healthy foods with family, friends, neighbours or co-workers is a great way to connect. It can provide many benefits and contribute to a healthy lifestyle. Eating with other can help you enjoy food by giving you the opportunity to share food traditions across generations and cultures. Food is usually the main part of celebrations; however, eating as a group can make a regular night a special event. 

How to eat with others more often

With our busy schedules, making time to enjoy meals with others requires some planning.  You can plan to eat with loved ones by:
– Having a regular family meal.
– Planing an activity nigh that includes games and making dinner together.
– Start a dinner party with friends and everyone takes a turn to host.
– Host a potluck with friends or family.

To really enjoy eating with other try to put away distractions like phones, take your time and use the meal experience as a time to connect.

Kids especially benefit from regular family meals as they are starting to develop their eating habits and behaviours. Eating together as a family can help kids:
– learn cooking skills.
– be creative which helps improve self-esteem.
– explore healthy foods.
– establish healthy eating routines.


Next weeks’ post will discuss the 3 guidelines of the Canadian Food guide:
– Guideline 1: Foundation for healthy eating
– Guideline 2: Foods and beverages that undermine healthy eating
– Guideline 3: Importance of food skills

Green Curry Coconut Sauce

This amazing creamy, zesty and fresh sauce is amazing on our signature Green Curry Coconut Bowl. This sauce is perfect as dressing on salads, tacos, bowls and poke bowls. The spicy and zesty flavours complements  Thai, Hawaiian, Caribbean, and Mexican flavours. This sauce is filled with flavours that marry beautifully together to easily create dishes the whole family will love.


Green Curry Coconut Sauce

This creamy, zesty, and fresh sauce is perfect as a salad dressing and on a bowl.
  • Prep Time 5 Minutes
  • Total Time 5 Minutes
  • Serves 2 People
  • Calories 145 kcal


  • 2 tbsp lime juice
  • Zest from 1/2 lime
  • 1/2 cup coconut milk
  • 1/2 tsp green curry
  • 1 tbsp fresh cilantro
  • 1 small garlic clove
  • 1 tsp agave or honey
  • 1/2 tsp salt


  1. In a highspeed blended add all ingredients and combine until the sauce is smooth. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed.